Kansas Mom Denounces Illustrated Comic Sex Book In School Library

TKC is not a parent so we don't really have much to say about this story . . .

We agree that adults have a responsibility to guide the reading of their youngsters. 

Moreover . . . 

There's also a teachable moment here about censorship and hyperbolic sentiments regarding the otherwise boring topic of library content. 

Translation . . .

Even the nastiest library book doesn't come near the filth that's far more accessible online. 

Check-it . . .

"But it’s only one of many issues she has with it. The book, she notes, includes a character “actively touching herself while she is in the bath”; extremely detailed drawings of nipples, anuses, vaginas, and penises; how sensitive nipples and anuses can feel good to the touch; and how touching private parts can “feel warm and tingly.”

“Do you know what is in your public library? I thought that I did. What I had read absolutely flabbergasted and upset me,” Thompson wrote in a Sept. 27 op-ed . . ."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas mom finds joy-of-sex book for kids in her public library, which refuses to move it from children's section

Addie Thompson and her 4-year-old son were scanning their local public library's children's section for a book on airplanes. What the young mother found on the shelf right above it was more akin to The Joy of Sex manual for kids.
