Once again Kansas City's top ranking 12th & Oak honcho is advocating legal action against gun makers amongst a myriad of "solutions" in order to reduce violence despite any evidence that the crackdown strategy works.
As always, we strive for some semblance of objectivity and so we check the perspective of the Mayor first . . .
But gun reform cannot solve our violence problem alone. Good investment in housing and social services is essential to public safety. When people are housed and their needs are met, there’s less crime. These investments need to be embedded in candidate conversations about public safety.
In Kansas City, we continue to make historic progress in housing access. Funding from the new Kansas City Housing Trust Fund will create nearly 500 affordable housing units and a bond measure to go before voters next month, should it pass, will generate thousands of more affordable housing units. We’ve also launched Zero KC, a plan to end homelessness in our city in five years.
We’ve fought back against gun violence through municipal ordinances when our state refuses to act, making it a locally enforceable violation for domestic violence offenders and minors to carry firearms. We’ve expanded violence prevention outreach, intervening with those who may be at risk for engaging in gun violence and retaliation.
In 2020, my administration sued Jimenez Arms, a gun manufacturer that provided guns to felons, allowing illegal guns to flood our streets and causing significant harm to our community. But the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives conducted a deficient investigation before granting a new license to the operators of Jimenez Arms. Because of ATF’s refusal to act, we sued the agency, too, and eventually shut down Jimenez Arms, keeping their weapons of war off our streets.
Now . . .
Here's an alternative perspective . . .
The audacity of a man who campaigned on promises of bringing down the murder rate and who has had record increases in crime and murder in his three years saying this is astounding. It appears to be an acknowledgement that he's not fit for office, except he certainly doesn't believe that.
"If your candidate cannot ensure your children will be safe at school every day, or ensure you’ll be safe going to the grocery store, question whether they are the best candidate for your community." - Quinton Lucas
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Guns and crime weigh on Americans' minds. 6 experts propose ideas to lighten the load | CNN
As part of the CNN Opinion series "America's Future Starts Now," we asked a group of six experts from different fields and backgrounds to share their ideas for addressing concerns about guns and violence so that all of us can feel a bit safer.
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