Kansas City Star Features Guv Kelly Campaign Editorial Column

Sadly, space in the newspaper is less valuable . . . But we noticed this bit of writing because it begs a question . . .

Guv Kelly accuses her opponent of partisan politics: Does that mean she doesn't support so many Democratic Party voters who have given her support??? 

More likely . . . Attacks over "partisanship" are obvious, silly and sound much better than an honest debate about issues impacting voters where there is VALID DISAGREEMENT.

Here's her money line . . .

"But my opponent, Derek Schmidt, will take us back. He supported the Sam Brownback agenda that drove our state into the ditch in the first place. We’ve come a long way — and we simply can’t afford to go backward now."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Laura Kelly: Kansas deserves to keep moving ahead, not backward into partisan politics

OPINION AND COMMENTARY Before I took office, Kansas was making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Our schools were chronically underfunded; our economy was in free fall; our roads and bridges were crumbling and our budget was a disaster. So, I ran for governor to get our state back on track.
