Kansas City Mayor Q's Social Media 'Hypocrisy' Questioned By Critics

Quick note on the Kansas City discourse . . .

Mayor Q has blocked one of his loudest critics via social media and today we share a bit more context to a conversation that continues to provoke the ire of many local conservatives.

Moreover . . . 

We have noticed the former veteran utilize call-in programs and other forums in order to question the Mayor about restrictions for online questions and criticism. 

The bigger picture: One-sided censorship is a common complaint during political contests. The reality is that both Democratic Party AND Republican leaders want to curtail online criticism.

In fact . . . An upcoming Supreme Court Case could fundamentally change Internets and kill most comments. 

TKC will probably be fine because we're hilarious but other online pundits should know that there's a very real threat that Internets comments as we know them today could quickly become a thing of the past.

Now . . . 

There are, in fact, some venues for free speech outside the social media sphere but they're becoming increasingly scarce. 

To be clear . . . Here at TKC we don't blame anyone for the comments they receive/encounter/suffer . . . Critics have used comments found on our blog to attempt to unfairly indict our entire community. At a cost that's pretty hard to maintain every month, we've done our best to curtail some of the nastier trolls . . . Meanwhile, a bigger conversation about the social media conversation and how it applies to elected officials is worth having . . . Accordingly . . .

In his latest update the local veteran decries the treatment he has received from Mayor Q and offers context and a glimpse at other comments that haven't earned the same scrutiny. 

Here's the note sent our way . . .

"Quinton Lucas can say what he wants about me, that I'm toxic, that I'm racist, that I'm a "hater", that I use profanity against him, it's all lies.

"He refused to answer me when I ask him directly on KCUR why he blocked me except that he's not there to moderate toxic discussions.

"The fact of the matter is that he simply doesn't want people disagreeing with him, that is what is toxic in Quinton Lucas's book. You can advocate violence against the governor (who I think is a terrible governor), you can besmirch an entire religion, you can be as vulgar as you please if you do it in service of Quinton Lucas.

"Here are just a few gems from today. Q makes no effort to shut this toxic rhetoric down, in fact he revels in it . . . What a pathetic and failed man he is.

You decide . . .
