A better title for this post . . .
Newspaper Hates Republican & The Bible
Their explanation actually offers an appropriate historical perspective and another sign (not from above) that election season is underway . . .
Hawley’s views must be resisted, and his fumbling theocracy rejected. He’s at the forefront of a dangerous, growing movement: White Christian nationalism is overtaking the Republican Party, endangering religious freedom for everyone.
“We are a revolutionary nation precisely because we are heirs of the revolution of the Bible,” Hawley said. No. Our constitutional government, and therefore our nation, isn’t based on the Bible, or any religious text.
While most of the nation’s founders generally believed in a creator, they were skeptics about the Bible’s potential influence on secular government. Many were deists who believed in a God who created free thought, and did not interfere in the affairs of men and women. Revolutionary writer Thomas Paine attacked the Bible relentlessly. Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, literally used a razor on the New Testament, taking out parts he thought were based on superstition or nonsense.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Josh Hawley is disturbingly wrong: The US Constitution is not based on the Bible
OPINION AND COMMENTARY Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri gave a speech Monday explaining what he views as the biblical foundations of American government. "Without the Bible, there is no modernity," Hawley told the National Conservatism Conference. "Without the Bible, there is no America."
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