Kansas City Ruined Brian Platt's Marriage?!?

From the ABSOLUTE BEST TKC TIPSTER IN THE WORLD we learn of a sad bit of personal news confronting a public official. 

It seems that City Manager Brian Platt's marriage has hit the skids according to Casenet. What's worse is that he doesn't have any friends in the courthouse to help him keep the public records on the down low.

We remember our old friend Genaro was able to hide his messy divorce from a Jackson County politico and mostly corrupt newsies never bothered to even mention the high-profile Hispanic Heritage Month hot mess.

Fair play . . . For a myriad of reasons TKC is in there too but mostly because credit card companies have the world's best index of stupid people who just graduated college . . . But I digress . . .

More pertinent to our discussion of local politics & culture . . .

It was only two years ago when City Hall happily welcomed Brian Platt as city manager along with his then wife Margo.

There was some resistance to his tenure but a few clever moves along with alliances with council and the City Manager quickly able to secure favor. 

KC can be an adjustment for people from the Coast and the small sewing circle of "civic set" people are only entertaining for those of us who are working constantly on our LinkedIn game and faking happiness on social media.  

Still . . .

The life of a public official can be onerous and divorce rates are high amongst political appointees. 

Honestly, we're not celebrating this news at all but merely reporting the word from 12th & Oak and a reminder to so many hopefuls gearing up for election season . . .

A life in Kansas City municipal politics isn't easy and even very smart people with a great deal of training, education and savvy will confront obstacles. 

And so on this Friday night we advise all the married folks to be kind to one another, enjoy the weekend "run through" just as much as possible and realize that politics can and will take its toll on people. So it's important to treat our betters/electeds/bureaucrats as humans rather than punching bags. 

We've all got problems.

Developing . . .
