Kansas City Climate Activists Fight Alleged 'Environmental Injustice'

Right now we take a peek at a call to action and more advocacy from (yet) another environmental activist group.

Check-it . . .

"It seems we have arrived at the point of blatant preference of profit over people, where industries are allowed to poison the lungs and bodies of the community with no ramifications or consequences. Another form of clear lack of regulation and safety risk is industries in Kansas City not implementing transparent and clear risk management plans to notify their staff and community for when a chemical spill, or gas leak or even an explosion occurs. Such blind sided planning needs to be addressed immediately, because we know the question isn’t “if '' a disaster will occur, but “when” it occurs and how many lives will this oversight cost us? Such industries are accelerating climate change, perpetuating the risk for severe weather events and increasing the risk for negative health  impacts, which are particularly concerning for populations that are low-income households,  communities of color, immigrant groups, Indigenous peoples, children and pregnant women, the elderly,  and persons with disabilities or chronic medical conditions. As we consider the planning for a green infrastructure, health, safety, community-led decision making, and a just transition for workers must be at the forefront for a successful and equitable movement."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Environmental Injustice: Cumulative Impacts in Kansas City

CAN is located in Kansas City, home to multiple facilities featured in our report on the life cycle chemical and environmental justice impacts of building insulation. Kansas City, the city of fountains, has a dark history of systemic racism as portrayed in redlining where disinvestment and obstructive lending practices impeded home ownership among BIPOC communities.
