Over the past few years there has been a rising number of women who have died violently amid crime numbers rising at a historic pace.
Given that violence begets violence . . . Here's a story of a local woman ambushing her partner:
"According to court documents, Biggins shot her husband, Etienne McEwan, early Wednesday morning in their bed. The incident happened in the 1700 block of Gillespie Place in Kansas City, Missouri. "
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
Woman accused of shooting, killing husband Wednesday in KCMO
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A woman who told police she wanted to get a divorce, but was not able to because of money problems, is accused of killing her husband. Melanie Biggins, 40, is charged in Jackson County Court with first degree murder and armed criminal action.
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