Sorry . . . But having strangers lay hands on students in anger or to provide "instruction" shouldn't really be up for debate.
Funny thing is . . . Because TKC doesn't think that hitting people is the proper way to teach . . . My opinion often meets with vociferous dispute and, sadly, it would be hypocritical to knock somebody upside the head in order to property illustrate that striking another person doesn't do much in the way of education.
Meanwhile . . .
Locals believe otherwise . . .
"According to state officials, Missouri law authorizes corporal punishment as an option for local schools to consider if parents opt in."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
School district reinstates corporal punishment as discipline option for students
CASSVILLE, Mo. ( KY3/Gray News) - A controversial school discipline method is returning to some schools in Missouri. Cassville R-IV School District Superintendent Dr. Merlyn Johnson said the policy change is a result of a survey that was sent to staff, students and parents in May.
Update . . . We notice Drudge picked up this story as well . . .
Missouri school district revives paddling to discipline students
A school district in southwest Missouri is bringing back a measure it last resorted to over two decades ago to address disciplinary problems: spanking students. Classes started Monday for the 1,900 students in Cassville R-IV School District, about an hour west of Branson and some 15 miles from the Arkansas border.
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