Kansas Confronts Historic Drought

Bright side first . . . It has been hotter and rain has been even more scarce over the years. 

However . . .

Local climate experts have to go back further and further into the records to document increasingly hotter temperatures.

Check the trend in these tense 12 years we have left together . . .

"Drought currently covers nearly three-fourths of Kansas. And roughly one-third of the state is in extreme or exceptional drought — the highest levels on the U.S. Drought Monitor scale."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Here are 7 ways this dry, hot year stacks up against the worst droughts in Kansas history

HAYS, KANSAS - Even for a perennially dry region like western Kansas, this year sticks out. Barely any rain. Temperatures that bake the soil into a cracked, parched mess. And forecasts that don't offer much hope of relief. This summer in Dodge City ranks as its 5th hottest on record.
