Quick personal aside for anybody who bothers to click . . .
The numbers for this blog continue to trend upward and we notice more gross people reading.
There are at least 3 goons in the comments that I'm coming close to booting every day.
Thing of it is . . . As much as I like politics . . . This "place" was always supposed to be more light & breezy than the partisan garbage on Twitter. But as of late I'm reading so many comments that look like they were penned by somebody's lame-ass mom.
Honestly, we don't care about left vs. right distractions . . . Sometimes the plebs slap-fighting over different sides of the same coin is entertaining.
But we hope in vain the the denizens of this blog community do their best to think outside of the mainstream and realize that this blog is ONE OF THE VERY FEW ALTERNATIVES to the endless cycle of cynical spin.
And so we take a pause to focus on one of our favorite distractions . . .
This upcoming gathering INTEREST TKC IMMENSELY but it doesn't quite fit in with some of the blood curses that often dominate the discourse amongst our community.
Per ushe and something I've said to every lady friend . . .
You should change and not me.
Accordingly . . .
Stocking up on more keyboard gear might be the only thing that cures the comment blues . . .
Although the event was originally planned to take place in the side room of a coffeehouse in the historic northeast, it was quickly moved to a much larger, co-working space downtown to accommodate all the maniacs like yours truly who want to bring a whole bunch of keebs. I’m even bringing some tables, y’all.
This’ll be more than just a show and tell, because what kind of object-focused nerd gathering would be complete without a swap meet element? You’re probably going to find that all kinds of keyboards and keyboard accessories are for sale . . .
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
The First-Ever Kansas City Keyboard Meetup Is This Weekend
Sometimes, if you wait long enough for something you want, it will come to you. Whether it's the law of attraction or just plain laziness, it has finally happened - there's a keyboard meetup happening within a 500-mile radius of me. As far as I know, it's the first one ever in Kansas City.
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- The Management