Upcoming Kansas City Buck O'Neil Bridge Looks Cheap & Horrible

Kansas City political leadership FAILED us in Jeff City by allowing a discount & sleazy bridge to replace the iconic structure seen above . . . The only hope is that amateur urban planner hipsters will be able to turn the old structure into a skate park or whatever . . . Hint: They won't.

Still . . .

Special thanks to one of the best KC photos for sharing a glimpse of the work in progress.

Take a peek via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

A Bridge So Far, Part Two

Woodswether Road on the West Side of City Market leads down to my vantage point. My last update was May 9th. A Bridge So Far Below is what the new Buck O'Neil Bridge will look like. Finished in 2024. These shots are all looking north. Looking South. Above and below, North.

Developing . . .
