TKC Question: Is It A Hate Crime If Your LGBT Small Biz Suffers FAIL?!?

Just curious . . .

Given that most small businesses FAIL in the first 10 years and many more bite the dust shortly thereafter . . . Can we blame the inflationary economy for a hate crime if an LGBT small biz suffers bankruptcy?!?

I'd be willing to break out a few rainbow flags . . . OR maybe even watch a couple of husky broads smack each other around from a safe distance if I could snag some economic incentives around this dump.

Meanwhile, here's the story from our public radio colleagues who enjoy middle-class lives by way of government grants and begging . . .

A recent report from New York-based Out Leadership ranks Missouri 35th out of the 50 states for its LGBTQ inclusion and protections. The group measured components such as legal and nondiscrimination protections, health care access and work environment. Missouri’s score decreased in every category from last year.

This climate creates challenges for LGBTQ business owners, who must often navigate social and legal barriers on top of the typical risks of starting a business.

Read more via link . . .

For LGBTQ business owners in Missouri, creating an inclusive space often comes at a cost

When Mike Hastings and Armando Vasquez were in the beginning phases of creating their tropical-themed café Anchor Island Coffee in Kansas City two years ago, they hid that they were a couple. Before starting their business, the two lived in Overland Park, Kansas, where they felt less accepted than they do in their current community.
