Triggered By Teasing, Kansas City Star Shuts Down Subscriber Website Comments

First of all . . . 

An admission . . . We nearly shut down comments on this blog. In fact, we did, for a couple of days until it got lonely. 

Fact check . . . Commenters would like to think that they provide value to a website. That's false.

Whilst social media outlets like Twitter & Facebook run off user generated junk and snippets they legally pilfer from publishers; there is very little real value in reader comments. 

Example . . . 

A 12th & Oak endorsed Kansas City "forum" is mostly populated by bots who generate content and comments and they claim more than 100K users. To an Internets novice it might seem like a vibrant gathering of local discourse . . . Sadly, most of what the humans post is photos of their lawn and really corny inside joke with absolutely ZERO understanding of how this cowtown works . . . For that, they're earning big bucks from Chinese investors hoping to ruin the U.S. Internets in much the same way that greed for Far East cash killed American cinema.

But I digress . . . 

The point here is that The Kansas City Star might be a bit sensitive amid a wave of teasing according to our blog community . . . Here's the word . . .

"It seems they were too triggered with comments about "Drunkie" . . . Comments are turned off again for two days now."

Again . . . 

Comments rarely equal view count so it's not a great loss. 

And . . . To be fair . . . Social media trolling is still active for those who bother to debate with the last purveyors of print media who didn't even put out a local issue today. 

Still . . . We advise people to be nice and and realize that we all have probs that will only be worsened by the faltering economy and upcoming election slap fighting

Developing . . .
