The Dotte FINALLY Admits Ransomware Attack

Follow-up on a longstanding local government FAIL . . .

Here's the spin that local news is desperate to hype . . .

“Due to the professional, fast, and tireless response of our team, we were able to quickly identify the ransomware, isolate it by shutting down any impacted servers, and immediately begin an investigation to assess our systems and data," Kevin Bibbs, director of technology services for the UG, said.

Meanwhile some of the systems remain down after more than a month . . . And, let's not forget, there was a quick fantasy that administrators could switch their work back to paper dockets.

Read more via link . . .

Officials confirm Unified Government data centers were targeted by ransomware attack

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Officials confirmed on Tuesday that a ransomware targeted data centers from the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas, over Easter weekend. According to the UG, a ransom ware attack occurs when a malicious software gains access to files or systems. Once encrypted, the files can be held hostage until payment or ransom is paid.
