Kansas City is soon give the right of way to anybody with a siren by way of an "emergency vehicle traffic signal preemption system" that will soon earn a study and then an automatic green light.
In fairness . . . Most drivers want to get out of the way of first responders rushing to an emergency. That's a given.
But, sadly, we're denizens of the real world and we know that this tech WILL DEFINIATELY might be manipulated so that the KCFD can sneak in front of fatties at the drive-thru . . . And THAT puts our entire democracy at risk.
Don't worry . . .
Locals won't have a say in this traffic crackdown . . . We're merely providing this info to keep our blog community updated in the ongoing war against local drivers.
Check-it . . .
Ordinance #220493 . . .
"One of the features of this program is an emergency vehicle preemption system whereby onboard GPS equipment anticipates vehicle movement and precisely controls traffic lights to help first responders reach their destinations as quickly and safely as possible; and
"The GPS equipment onboard fire trucks and ambulances communicates with traffic signals, and - based on route, time of day and other information - adjusts traffic signals to provide green lights for first responders and move the traffic in front of them through the signals; and
"Emergency Vehicle Preemption is a critical component of smart city infrastructure and should be a focus for the City of Kansas City’s own smart infrastructure system throughout the City of Kansas City . . .
"To Direct the City Manager to conduct a comprehensive study of the cost and timing for implementing an Emergency Vehicle Preemption system as part of the City’s infrastructure development efforts and report back to Council within 120 days."
Developing . . .
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