Celebrate!!! Kansas City Pride Support Is Now Status Quo & Therefore Boring!!!

One of the most BRILLIANT AND TOP ECHELON KC INSIDERS we talked to recently shared an insight that rings true regarding local "pride" love. 

Here are the basics . . .

"Nobody is 'shocked' by Pride festivals anymore . . . In fact, most of the better parties have garnered corporate sponsorship. LGBT Pride is ubiquitous and something that most elected officials and communities have wholeheartedly adopted. 

In fact, nothing is more American than LGBT Pride . . . That's the way of the world and it's important to understand when considering the trend . . . We're no longer talking about 'alternative' lifestyles but rather a dominant worldview of inclusion, diversity and equity that is endorsed by mainstream Western culture."

Like it or not, we find a great deal of truth in that observation . . . And this also might make it harder for local "creatives" to break the mold when outrageous costumes and some of the more seemingly risqué hyper-sexualized public "flexing" we've noticed is pretty much hum-drum content.

Take a look at this trend in action . . .

Kansas City is "more out and proud than ever. Neighborhoods are lined with colorful flags, businesses are stacked with specials, and landmarks are lighting up to support and empower the community throughout the month of June."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Photos: Pride 2022

Kansas City Pride 2022. // Photo by Jim Nimmo June 10 kicked off another annual LGBTQIA+ Pride celebration in KC . . .
