Rainy Day Books For Sale: Kansas City Long Form Reading Obsolete?!?

All of the Internets is based on nothing more than quick dopamine hits and bite-sized tidbits of information that keep info junkies captivated looking at their phones daily.

However . . .

On this cloudy day that is well-suited to reading . . . We ask . . .


C'mon . . .

It's much more fun and useful to see what friends, family, former loves, rivals and politicos are sharing via social media for free RATHER THAN purchase the thoughts that some crusty author scribbled down more than a year ago . . . 

Even worse . . .

Donors and do-gooders have given Rainy Day Books thousands because "the idea" of its existence is much nicer than the grind of running a local retail store. 

To add insult to misery and injury, for those poor souls who fetishize the written word, it's much easier to order a book from Amazon and create a cozy nook for reading in your living space than support some out of the way bookstore. 

And so, invariably . . . The owners gave up the ghost in order to enjoy their golden years.

Here's the aftermath and their desperate search for a buyer . . .

Rainy Day Books is like our living room. It is where we make our living. We welcome guests from all over the world to discuss and discover great books. It is a place where bestsellers are made, where debut writers launch their careers, where authors continually request to visit, and where we are working smart and hard on our 47th year. It’s also a space for our community; a special place where the joy of browsing and the opportunity to connect over books endures.

The past 2 years were very challenging for us. We endured with support from the community and beyond. In addition, we reinvested and reinvented our business. Today, Rainy Day Books is thriving thanks to a solid core of customers who believe in the power of books, and a growing staff of people who value our customers as much as they value books . . .

We offer the new owners an opportunity to write new chapters in the legacy of Rainy Day Books. We literally have a wonderful life, and after our transition, we will look forward to writing some new chapters as well.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Rainy Day Books is For Sale!
