Kansas City Hopes To Curb Rising Violence By Way Of Deep Breathing

Don't be a hater . . .

Given that local politicos aren't trying anything new . . . A new local group champions a crime-fighting method that focuses on mental health and personal choice which might be effective for some folks. 

For denizens of TKC . . . Thinking about hottie angel Candice brings calm, feelings of love and provides a "release" from any anger or hostility. Try it. Maybe work some lotion into your "routine" for anger management.

Now check this local community effort amid a wave of warm weather carnage . . .

"Stop, Think, Breathe" is a grassroots group hoping to inspire the community to stop and think before resorting to violence.

Stopping violence is personal for Lisha Sullivan, who started the organization Stop, Think, Breathe as a way to bring some change to her community.

"I'm still trying to raise my son and I'm having to do it alone without his father because of gun violence, because of somebody didn't stop, think and breathe in and before they act, something that could be so senseless, to end up and change somebody's life like my own," Sullivan said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Stop, think, breathe; local group gathered to address gun violence

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A local group frustrated by the gun violence in the metro gathered Sunday afternoon in the 18th and Vine District. "Stop, Think, Breathe" is a grassroots group hoping to inspire the community to stop and think before resorting to violence.
