Kansas City Fed Considers Ukraine War Impact On Farm Production

It's a somewhat slow news day and that inspired us to check this newsie item that ACTUALLY features more reporting than what's on most TV stations in the evening . . . Along with a long ago photo of the bygone KC Board Of Trade.

Check-it . . .

The report from the Kansas City Fed also pointed out that, “Although production expenses for wheat farmers have increased, prices producers receive for their wheat were higher than the costs of production, creating better opportunities for positive profit margins.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Kansas City Fed Examines Market Disruptions After Russian Invasion, While Ukraine Grain Production Could Rise, and Egypt Faces Wheat Strains * Farm Policy News

Bloomberg writer Yvonne Yue Li reported yesterday that, "Farmers are still making money despite the higher costs for fuel and fertilizer, as crop prices have risen even more. "That's the view of Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City researchers, who see Russia's invasion of Ukraine have ' long-lasting' effects on the commodity markets.
