Developers Ask: Will Rich Hipsters Flood Into Kansas City West Bottoms?!?

Forgive our skepticism and snark . . . For people who have lived in Kansas City for all of their lives and "have people" with history in this town . . . The West Bottoms Flood provides a great cultural touchstone that reminds us so many of our plans, schemes and biz is merely temporary folly that's totally at the mercy of nature.

Moreover, we're awash with insight regarding this project on a cloudy day . . . And so . . . 

Here's more development hype so that hipsters can overpay to live in matchbox warehouses at the site of Kansas City's greatest flood.

Here's the pitch and/or "news" that they feed to suckers . . .

“Our vision is to increase density in the West Bottoms while preserving the historic fabric of this one-of-a-kind neighborhood,” SomeraRoad Principal Basel Bataineh said in a release. “We envision a vibrant mixed-use, live-work-play-stay district that will celebrate the city’s birthplace.”

Read more via link . . .

Developer forms master plan for acres of land in KC's West Bottoms

A New York investment and development firm quietly has assembled land in Kansas City's West Bottoms in recent months. SomeraRoad Inc. plans a generational master plan for much of the historic area.
