Kansas City Elite Support Downtown Stadium Extortion Plan Against Taxpayers

Here's one of many reasons this blog is going the way of the dodo . . . 

We can imagine a future wherein BILLIONAIRES don't shamelessly demand money from a broke-ass tax base.

Think about it for just a sec . . . 

Local hobos, even the junkies, will only ask for a couple bucks at most but these BILLIONAIRE BUMS ARE BEGGING HUNDRED OF MILLIONS WORTH OF TAXPAYER CASH.

Forgive us the Hollywood accounting and economic double talk . . . The research is already in: 

While some supporting construction of a new stadiums maintain it would be an economic boon, research by economists across the political spectrum has found stadiums generate limited new spending. Rather, they simply redirect how leisure dollars are spent.

Accordingly . . . 

Take a peek at our betters in desperate need of money for their games that most locals can't afford . . .

The Royals lease ends at Kauffman Stadium in January of 2031, and so does the lease for the Chiefs at Arrowhead. Kansas City Chiefs President Mark Donovan mentioned the Royals at the luncheon when he was asked his team's future.

"I'm a big supporter of what they're doing, not just because it frees up more options for us at Arrowhead, but I think it's the right thing to do," he said Friday.

Donovan said the team must look at whether it makes sense for his team to build new and where would it make sense to do that. In March, he said the team had considered stadium options in Kansas before when developers pitched them to the team.

"Whatever we do, whatever we decide to do, it's our job and our responsibility to make sure that we're making the best decision for those entities for the next 50 years," Donovan told the crowd at Loews. "So the perspective I want to give everybody is, 'Take a breath. We've got a lot of work to do,' and we're going to do our very best to do the best for all of us. That's how I put it."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Chiefs president supports Royals moving downtown

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Kansas City Chiefs President Mark Donovan and Royals Chief Operating Officer Brooks Sherman were both part of a sports panel discussion Friday afternoon at the 2022 Downtown KC Annual Luncheon at the Loews Kansas City Hotel. "We think baseball belongs downtown when you look around the country," Sherman said Friday.

You decide . . .
