KK Vs. Kansas City Star

Today's episode from KK was stellar and worth checking out if you haven't already.

Even better, locals have an opportunity to see one of this town's top podcasters live . . .

"Missouri Senate candidate Vicky Hartzler is attacked by the Star for being Christian... on Easter!  You can hear her speak Saturday night in KC at the www.jacomo.gop dinner I will be emceeing."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .

Mask Celebrations go Viral, Hartzler Attacked as Christian, @Jack Belts CNN, Mahomes Buys In, Apple Gets NFL

There are unmasking celebrations on airplanes all over the internet which is fun. A 33 year old Trump judge just freed everyone but it is kind of sad we are this excited to be free. It should be a given. Missouri Senate candidate Vicky Hartzler is ...
