First off, let's deal with an unspoken reality . . . 

Most Kansas City amateur urban planners and progressive politicos hate your SUV. Moreover, they're actively working to impose tougher economic barriers against personal automobile ownership and all of the beautiful freedom provided by an integral part of American culture.  

Look at most of the new KCMO bike lane and transit policy and this underlying idea expressing antipathy toward privately owned automobiles is obvious and undeniable. 

Our biggest complaint against so many local transit "activists" is that THEY ARE COWARDS and won't openly admit their end game.

Accordingly . . .

Downtown Kansas City parking isn't great now but local leaders are doing their best to make it impossible to park inside the loop.

Consider . . . 

New "transit oriented" high rise living hopes that residents will give up their car and use the bus, streetcar or ride-share services if they dare visit a local box store in order to buy a tooth brush for less than 5 bucks . . . Or maybe get some shoes from a local retailer rather than ordering online. 

Even worse . . .

Plans for the downtown stadium have ABSOLUTELY IGNORED PARKING and the disastrous impact that tens of thousands of cars pouring into downtown in a rush to watch the home team before a game, invariably, becomes another embarrassing loss.

And so . . .

Right now a great many social media denizens and clueless civic boosters deny any recent frustration with pricey parking and imagine "park & ride" solutions for a new stadium that won't hold up against so many dangerous hobos who will target suburbanites hoping to catch a game . . . 

We merely mention this KANSAS CITY PARKING CRISIS IN THE MAKING because it will prove disastrous if unaddressed.

Developing . . . 
