This tiny suburban enclave offers a bit of solidarity with a far away war torn country.

This might seem like a nice gesture even if some question the progressive virtue signaling that also involves so many online denizens switching their online profile photo frames from one cause to the next. 

Still, the middle-class brigade of social justice warriors is worth a peek . . . If only because this part of town isn't as supportive of their low-rent neighbors from the dotte . . . 

"The blue and yellow colors flying high is a visual stance of support from a small part of Prairie Village which also happens to be a sister city to Dolyna, Ukriane."

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Prairie Village man proudly hangs 30 Ukrainian flags in neighborhood

PRARIE VILLAGE, Kan. - A wave of support for Ukraine sits high along Tomahawk Road in Prairie Village, Kansas, thanks to one man - Tony Short. "Every time I heard the Russian military was taking down a flag, I couldn't wait to get my flag up because I wanted to put up one flag for every flag they took down," Short said.
