JimmyC once worked for the Kansas City Star during their heyday and that time in his life informs some of his best online writing.
Here's his brutal but telling analysis of a recent move from the Kansas City Star . . .
"The Star hasn’t said how much square footage it is renting. My guess is it will be significantly larger than its Plaza Suite and significantly smaller than its previous two homes.
"However much space it turns out to be, I doubt that The Star will have its name on the outside of the building. For all intents and purposes, The Star’s future presence will mostly be in cyberspace."
Translation . . .
It's just another website/blog.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com link . . .
After a trek in the real estate desert, The Star finds a new "home"
Repercussions from The Kansas City Star's and owner McClatchy's ongoing diminishment continue to unfold. On Tuesday, The Star reported that it would, at last, have a new physical home: it will be leasing space in a Crown Center building at 2405 Grand Blvd. That means the paper will be giving up its spacious "suite" on...
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