Kansas City Star: Enjoy Socialism!!!

Because the newspaper somehow forgot that they're publishing in an increasingly small Midwestern town . . . Today they're running an editorial offering high praise for socialism.

Sure, they're talking about the Swedish model that also funds a world renowned bikini team . . . Which is fitting because most popular understanding of macroeconomics is pretty much a fantasy.  

Here's their premise . . . 

"The best-treated, most favored and ostensibly intelligent part of our society is the most ungrateful. Indeed, ingratitude has become integral to its social functioning. This, at least in part, explains why, for them, “socialism” has become a bete noire and an obscenity."

Sure . . .

This screed might appeal to a few post-grad students and economists . . . Everyone else will realize this homespun treatise as yet another sign that the fading dead-tree institution is not only losing touch with their last remaining readers but also becoming increasingly separated from reality.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

'Socialism' is a US bogeyman. It doesn't scare countries combining it with democracy

OPINION AND COMMENTARY It has been noted by one distinguished observer of America that one of the chief ambiguities of our society is that its most privileged individuals hate and resent the very social structure which makes their privileged lives possible, while, at the same time, professing to love their country.
