Johnson County Struggles To Accommodate Rapidly Rising Homeless Population

As economic reality changes for Americans, our nicest suburban enclave confronts demands to make room for a growing population of residents on their streets.

Here's the money line according the to the newspaper . . .

More than 2,000 people estimated to be without a home across the metro at any given time with as many as 10% living in Johnson County, experts estimate. Although experts caution that data collected each year almost certainly underestimate the true scope of homelessness in the community.

Despite years of discussions, there is no year-round emergency shelter in Johnson County for adults without children, even though a large network of government, nonprofit and religious organizations stitch together a blanket of other services across the metro.

Although political and nonprofit leaders say they agree a Johnson County shelter would be a crucial part of serving those in need where they already are, efforts to create one — including by Project 1020 — have faced a series of regulatory challenges and roadblocks from residents.

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Houseless in Johnson County will have few options after shelter closes at end of March

Bob Winner has spent almost every night this winter on a plain cot inside the Lenexa church where the nonprofit Project 1020 hosts Johnson County's only emergency shelter for single adults who find themselves without a place to stay. The building is warm, the food is good and the volunteers are kind.
