Insiders: Golden Ghetto Property Tax Spike Coming Soon

Life is also getting more expensive for our suburbanite friends.

Here's a peek at the damage . . .

Data from the Johnson County Appraiser’s office shows homes appraised below $300,000 have an average increase of almost 12%, and those between $300,000 and $500,000 will see an 11% hike.  There is an average 10% increase on homes appraised between $500,000 and $1.25 million, and the average increase for the most expensive homes is between 8% and 9%.

County Commission Chair Ed Eilert tells The Sentinel he will support a larger mill rate reduction than last year’s of 1.25%, but that still leaves most homeowners facing up to a 10% property tax hike.

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JoCo officials setting residents up for a big property tax hike - The Sentinel

Johnson County officials appear to be setting their residents up for a major property tax hike this year. Most residential appraised values are increasing by more than 10% and elected officials will not talk about reducing mill rates to keep the tax increase low.
