Former Kansas City Fed Honcho Warns Of 'World Economic War' & US Impact

The stage of a recent Eastern European conflict is global and it's hard for plebs and low-rent politicos to understand its consequences. 

Accordingly, TKC tries to make it simple  . . .


If it wasn't, there wouldn't be a fight. 

Here's a local leader who offers sage wisdom . . .

Former Kansas City Federal Reserve President Thomas Hoenig argues that the war between Russia and Ukraine 'does complicate the Fed’s life even more.'

"If we go down this path and this economic war continues and unemployment starts to rise, then I think the Fed will hesitate [to continue to raise rates]," the former Fed president argued. "That’s been their pattern in the past for some time now and I think that will be a major challenge for them to try and balance the need to get this inflation, which is almost four times higher than their target, under control while not also seeing the economy suffer large increases in unemployment."

He stressed that the Fed "will be very sensitive to unemployment in my opinion."

Read more via link . . .

Russia-Ukraine war puts Fed further behind inflation curve, former insider warns

Former Kansas City Federal Reserve President Thomas Hoenig warned on Monday that the world is in an "economic war" amid the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and that the United States and the West face "major challenges." Hoenig argued that higher prices for basic resources, including metals and food, should be expected and warned that "rough months" are ahead.
