Show-Me No Prosecution Against Alleged 'Hacker' Journalist

More to the point . . .

Guv Parson got caught being an old man who doesn't know much about the Internets and suffered nationwide embarrassment because of it . . . It's too bad because generally the Guv has been better than most (reasonable people) expected and has kept the Missouri GOP from going (too far) into the weeds. 

Sadly, we understand how the basics of Internet coding can frustrate all manner of politico.

Here's the takeaway . . .

The reporter, who Gov. Mike Parson called a "hacker" in a press conference rant, authored a story claiming more than 100,000 Missouri teachers' social security numbers were at risk of being accessed through the HTML source code on the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's website.

The Post-Dispatch contacted the department to allow them to fix the issue before publishing the article, but that did not stop Parson from berating the reporter on a public stage.

Read more via news link . . .

Prosecutor declines to charge Post-Dispatch reporter who revealed flaw in state website

COLE COUNTY ( -- A Cole County prosecutor has declined to press charges on a St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter who uncovered a flaw in a state website. The reporter, who Gov.
