Will Kansas City Suffer Worsening Violence In 2022?!?

Of course we're hopeful that locals will turn away from violence and display a modicum of respect for life.

However, here's something to consider . . .

The very same factors which sparked the worse violence in KCMO history are emerging yet again.

Here's a quick run-down . . .

The Mayor, Police & The Jackson County Prosecutor remain at odds and mired in a political battle. 

Election season gives Mayor less room to maneuver politically and locks him into unproductive culture war politics supported by his base.

A budget battle will worsen the divide betwixt some aspect of the community and law enforcement as municipal rhetoric targeting law enforcement will undoubtedly ramp up.  

And finally . . .

COVID seems to be worsening with the prospect for more financial hardship in the future for locals.

These factors sparked a horrific homicide record in 2020 and threaten to repeat this year. 

So far, few local leaders have addressed their impact or even noted the reemerging trends.

Developing . . .
