Sympathy For The Blogger: Considering The Problem Of Evil

Meanwhile, most denizens our rough blog community will blame the root of all evil on their political opposition. 

Here at TKC we think that free will has a lot to do with human suffering and any left over doubts can be evaded by way of good old fashioned guilt & self-loathing.

Here's a more nuanced perspective from a local resource on faith & morals . . . 

The fact is, religions have struggled from the beginning to explain the source of evil in the world. Indeed, one of the most difficult issues in theology is called the old theodicy question, which goes something like this: If God is good and all-powerful, why is there evil and suffering in the world.

I sometimes refer to that question as the open wound of religion because, at least this side of an afterlife, there is no exhaustive, satisfactory answer for it.

Read more via news link . . .

What the hell are people of faith to make of Satan?

I'm sometimes intrigued by how often Satan shows up in the news. This recent example came from Moline, Ill., one of the Illinois-Iowa "Quad Cities." The law and school district policies there allow groups to rent meeting space in public...

You decide . . .
