Kansas City Tech Sparks Social Justice?!?

Not exactly . . . But once again the politicos of this town attempt to gain credibility by way of 20-somethings who don't know when they're being used as a prop.

Let's remember that the so-called "Silicon Prairie" didn't live up to expectations in terms of job creation.

Here's the latest version of this publicity stunt which mistakenly believes that the Internets solves all of the world's problems . . .

"Entrepreneurs hoping to provide both social impact and return on investment are encouraged to apply for the inaugural cohort of LaunchKC’s Social Venture Studio — an effort focused on creating sustainable business models to tackle social, racial, or environmental issues."

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

LaunchKC opens application window + Downtown news you can use - Downtown Council of Kansas City

The Kansas City Social Venture Studio is a six-month program that is custom-designed for social entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and increase their community impacts. The program offers a variety of benefits and opportunities that are designed to meet entrepreneurs at their unique stages of growth.
