Kansas City Consensus: Brittany Matthews Can't Have It Both Ways

In the course of human events, it's very hard to have sympathy for some rich white lady who decries mean tweets after her superstar baby daddy wins the greatest playoff game in football history.

Nevertheless . . .

Whilst consensual pile-ons are wonderful to watch in the world of pr0n . . . In this instance we also understand that the very nice people of Kansas City don't want to watch this town's perennial homecoming queen take it on the chin from every rube with a keyboard. 


That stings both ways . . . Very much like the world of pr0n. 

But I digress . . .

Big picture . . . 

In general we're talking about an issue at the crux of the #MeToo movement and nearly every struggle for human rights . . .

What constitutes consent? 

Victims of assault rightly warn us that coercion, intimidation and power relationships often blur the lines of what the patriarchy defines as legal permission. 

However . . . 

Despite weighty issues regarding feminism and reciprocity . . . Most locals seem to agree . . .


We offer this gross but apt analogy amid the era of tech addiction . . .

A person MIGHT lose some of their right to complain about the smell of a cesspool if they keep diving into it every day. 

A caveat . . .

None of this applies to threats or some of the really nasty stuff floating around on the Internets that is clearly out of bounds. 

Still . . . 

What we notice is that diehard fans aren't willing to accept ANY criticism of the social media starlet and her online antics . . . Even if heckling comes with the territory of any public performance and serves as the standard for Internets discourse.

Final note . . .

During the debate over Brittany Matthews and her champagne splashing we've seen the term "hate" thrown around far too much and there's a need to clarify:

It's not a hate crime to nitpick and clown a celebrity . . . For most people it's just a fun hobby that's mutually beneficial for the social media industrial complex.

And yet it's very likely the debate over her online antics will persist . . . Therefore we conclude with a #TBT refrain that seems apt when considering the constant defenders of the aforementioned rich white lady and her many triumphs, missteps and adventures  . . .

You decide . . .

P.S. - None of this exceptionally thoughtful (lulz) consideration applies to Jackson Mahomes because grown dudes working as TikTok dancers are irredeemable douche-bags.
