Contact Tracing Stays Losing In The Dotte

The numbers aren't looking good in our 2nd favorite part of town.

In fact, here's a peek at public health policy quickly crumbling as pandemic numbers worsen . . .

Public health officials in Wyandotte County are now seeing an unprecedented number of people getting tested for COVID. They are testing about 600-700 people a day. About 65% of the people who are getting tested, are testing positive for COVID.

“We’ve seen a huge increase in the number of cases that we are receiving each day, so that does make it impossible to contact trace every single case,” said Elizabeth Groenweghe, Chief Epidemiologist for the Unified Government Public Health Department of Wyandotte County. “Sixty-five percent is the highest we’ve ever seen it. It’s very concerning. It tells us there is a high level of spread of COVID in Wyandotte County right now.”

Read more via news link . . .

Contact tracers cannot keep up with recent surge of COVID cases in Wyandotte County

WYANDOTTE COUNTY, KS (KCTV) -- Contact tracing efforts cannot keep up with the surge of positive COVID-19 cases in many communities around the country, including in Wyandotte County. On average, 490 people a day are testing positive for COVID in Wyandotte County.
