We're getting another look at social justice amid the "dark winter" of COVID that's on the way amid the Biden Presidency.

Here's a peek at local activists and their latest ask . . .

"Only about 3% of Kansas City tenants receive legal representation in eviction court. KC Tenants and other housing rights groups have proposed a Tenants' Right to Counsel, which would provide that help free through the city."

Point of fact . . .

NOTHING IS FREE. And that cost would be subsidized by TAXPAYERS.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news links . . .

Kansas City tenants facing eviction would be guaranteed legal help under new ordinance

In Kansas City, fewer than 3% of eviction hearings include legal representation for tenants. A new ordinance introduced by a City Council member would provide free legal counseling to people in conflicts with landlords.

Sentenced to homelessness: Kansas City residents rally at City Hall for "Right to Counsel" ordinance

Protest by KC Tenants at City Hall. // Photo by Rachel Potucek Ernesta Coulbourne's voice softened with grief as she mentioned her two advanced degrees in criminal justice: "I wanted to work in criminal justice. I had $170,000 in student loans. I still ended up getting evicted."

Organizations rally to promote tenants' right to counsel

On Thursday, 500 people went before judges in the Jackson County Courthouse to decide whether they could continue to live in the place they call home. Evictions affect roughly 9,000 people a year in Kansas City, which is almost 25 people a day.Just a block away, dozens of people filled the City Hall steps to ask for more lawyers in those eviction cases.Ernesta Coulburne said it would've helped her.

Developing . . .
