The Kansas City Star continues to lose subscribers, advertisers and influence as they become just another social media clickbait outlet.
Desperate for attention, they seem to be hoping that pushing an intensely radicalized and destructive perspective will win more readers and revenue.
Here's the money line and the newspaper practically begging the people of Kansas to riot after a tragic death during an arrest . . .
"It’s amazing that this even needs to be said, post-Floyd. But delay, deflection and defensiveness only make an already combustible situation more likely to explode."
To be fair, the case under discussion does, in fact, deserve further investigation from authorities.
But NOBODY benefits from progressive hacks demanding racial avarice as a solution to community policing issues.
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link to a thankfully pay-walled article . . .
'He could not breathe': Is teen who died handcuffed, face down Wichita's George Floyd?
OPINION AND COMMENTARY After being restrained with a device a judge has likened to torture, a handcuffed Black 17-year-old died in custody in Wichita. And yet, three months later, no one has been held accountable for what the medical examiner called a homicide. The foster father of Cedric "CJ" Lofton told police early on Sept.
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