
But, honestly, local media interest in this low-rent and essentially meaningless school board contest is a total farce. 

It's nearly impossible to satirize. 

Accordingly, the newspaper attempts to spin the decision . . .

"Jennifer Gilmore, who ran as one of three conservatives in the Olathe school board race, opposing mask mandates and critical race theory, had the lead Tuesday night. She was ahead of challenger Julie Steele, who considers herself a moderate, by only 32 votes. But as more mail-in ballots were counted throughout the week, Steele took the lead in the contest for the open board seat. And with unofficial final results reported on Friday, Steele was ahead with 50.1%, to Gilmore’s 49.8%. Steele leads by 63 votes."

The newspaper attempting to salvage a "moderate" win out of a meaningless contest is pathetic and that's far more newsworthy then this contest that might or might determine the fate of the Thanksgiving bake sale.

Meanwhile . . . Other outlets haven't called it yet.

Read more via news link . . .

Olathe School Board race still too close to call days after election

OLATHE, Kan. - A closely watched school board race in Olathe continues to draw interest past election day. The race is still too close to call but with each passing day Julie Steele widens her lead on Jennifer Gilmore in the District 3 race.
