Latinas Stays Losing In Kansas

The reality here is that Hispanics, Latinas, Latinos and PEOPLE in general need to branch out beyond their neighborhood or ethnic backgrounds in order to win elections.

Here's a peek at the sitch . . .

"Kansas is rapidly becoming more Hispanic. The number of Latino residents statewide has nearly tripled since 2000. Roughly one of every five Kansans is now Latino. But the shift to increasing Hispanic representation in local government hasn’t kept pace."

All things considered, this is a worthwhile and balanced report about political reality in Kansas and across the Midwest.

Read more via news link . . .

Even in the most Hispanic Kansas cities, getting elected as a Latina is an uphill battle

I n a pair of predominantly Hispanic southwest Kansas communities, two women try to become the first Latinas voted into local office. Elections earlier this month show both how far Latina candidates have come and how many barriers they still face. LIBERAL - Janeth Vasquez's journey is a common story in southwest Kansas.
