Kansas Guv Kelly Submits To Signing Anti-Vaxx Mandate Bill

Right wing Pandemic push back has put the moderate Kansas Guv in a tight spot that will cost her the support of some of the more strident progressives in the Sunflower State. 

Even worse . . . 

Her signature looks more like a capitulation and not an acknowledgement of common ground with her conservative colleagues.

Here's the word . . .

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly said late Monday she will sign legislation aimed at making it easy for workers to avoid employer-issued COVID-19 vaccination mandates. The Democratic governor’s promise came as the Republican-controlled Legislature approved a measure requiring businesses with mandates to respect an expansive religious and moral beliefs exemption that most Democratic lawmakers opposed. Under the bill, employers are prohibited from investigating the sincerity of the beliefs of workers who claim an exemption. It broadly defines religious beliefs to include “non-theistic” convictions held with the strength of traditional religious views . . .

Kelly issued a one-sentence statement indicating her support shortly before the Senate began voting. She offered no explanation of her decision. “I will sign the CCR for HB 2001 when it reaches my desk,” Kelly said.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news links . . .

Kansas lawmakers pass a bill to allow exemptions to vaccine mandates, and the governor will sign it

TOPEKA, Kansas - Republicans in the Kansas Legislature used a one-day special session to pass legislation aimed at circumventing Democratic President Joe Biden's COVID-19 vaccine mandates. approved late Monday is now headed to Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly, who promised to sign it in a one-sentence statement .

Kansas House and Senate each pass bills restricting vaccine mandates in special session

TOPEKA, Kan. -- Both chambers of the KS legislature passed versions of a bill pushing back on federal vaccine requirements. The house bill requires employers to honor religious exemptions. It also outlines procedures for employees to file complaints with the Department of Labor over possible violations.

Kansas to help workers resist Biden's COVID vaccine mandates

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Kansas will soon make it easy for workers to claim religious exemptions from COVID-19 vaccine requirements and promise unemployment benefits to people who are fired after refusing the shots. Kansas expects to join other states in resisting federal mandates from President Joe Biden because the GOP-controlled Legislature passed a measure Monday night.

Developing . . .
