Kansas City Wife Runs Over Husband Amid Purse Snatcher 'Bowling Ball' Attack

In this tragic story, local blight and opportunistic thieves impact a Kansas City couple. 

Here are the basics . . .

Police said a Ford sedan was westbound when the driver ran over a bowling ball in the roadway. The ball became lodged under the vehicle.

Her husband got out and crawled under the vehicle to dislodge the ball.

At that time, an unknown male suspect approached the vehicle's driver's door and grabbed the driver's purse, lying next to her seat. While struggling to retain possession of the purse, the driver accidentally the vehicle to escape the suspect and drove over her husband.

After hearing her husband yell under the car, she backed up the vehicle and struck him a second time, police say.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Bowling ball causes injury collision, man hospitalized

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Kansas City police responded to 31st and Montgall on a collision resulting in life-threatening injuries Saturday afternoon
