Kansas City Public Library Against Book Bans Targeting LGBT Lit

Despite a bevy of local debate on the topic, reading is probably the safest thing for youngsters to undertake.

Accordingly, check our favorite homeless shelter speaking up for intellectual curiosity . . .

“Books should not be excluded or eliminated from shelves based on the origin, background, or views of their authors,” The library wrote in the letter. “The growing number of Americans eager to work against these ideals is alarming, because a well-read and informed population is vital to a free and balanced exchange of ideas among its members — an ability critical to the continued success of our union.”

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Kansas City Public Library condemns push to ban, censor books in schools

Kansas City Public Library strongly condemned the push in schools in Kansas City's Northland, Cass County, across the metro and beyond to censor and ban books and literature in a letter on Wednesday. "Books should not be excluded or eliminated from shelves based on the origin, background, or views of their authors," The library wrote in the letter.
