Kansas City Council Redistricting: Political Crusade To Protect Incumbents?!?

A local blogger doesn't have much faith in an election process that's underway.

Here's his MONEY LINE that's worth a peek . . .

In the end it’s about politics just like everything else in this city. That is most evident by the number of times commissioners have talked about protecting sitting council people in their current district. It doesn’t matter what we “regular people” have to tolerate in our day to day life as long as council people are “protected”.

Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .

Redistricting - A Political Sham

I think I've attended most of the redistricting meetings, if Zoom is considered attending. There's been a lot of talk talk talk that doesn't really seem to say anything. Mostly it seems to be from the First and Fifth Districts. Oh, and of course the Fourth since the Plaza became involved.
