We all know that the global microchip shortage is ongoing and still ruining the American auto industry . . . But there is a threat more dire and insidious looming on the horizon of this cowtown.
To wit . . .
Let's not forget that this Summer a strike at a nearby Frito-Lay plant took all of the quality chips from metro convenience store shelves . . .
Loyal readers may not remember but TKC tragically reflects on openly weeping outside of a local QT as I searched for Cheetos in vain.
Now . . .
The ongoing impact of COVID, a less than stellar potato crop and ongoing problems in the supply chain threaten to make snack chips scarce during the holiday season.
Here's confirmation of the trend and a bit of an economic explanation . . .
“The most elementary rule of economics is the affiliation between supply, demand, and prices. If there’s suddenly less of one item that a lot of people covet, it naturally gets more expensive to the consumer. At the same time, ingrained shortages in the marketplace encourages suppliers to increase prices in order to win a larger share of buyers in the market. This year’s shortage of chips has turned all that into a full blown economic tsunami.”
Translation . . .
The heart clogging snack item that powers most of this blog's productivity will become an increasingly expensive commodity.
Accordingly . . .
We believe this might be one of the most distressing threats confronting our republic.
Debates over liberty, science, pandemics and politics are one thing . . . They usually get boring when it's clear that people aren't going to start slap-fighting and it becomes unlikely that a nipple will pop out.
However . . .
A price spike on snack chips imposed on Americans will most CERTAINLY bring about a near-revolutionary level of whining outcry & revolt.
Developing . . .
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