Here's Why Kansas City 'Pilgrim Run' Suffers Rebranding

Right now we share another serving of white guilt for the holiday season . . .

Check a bit of change that is neither welcomed nor transformative . . . At best it's just a bit of outrage marketing on behalf of a fading Kansas City fall tradition . . .

"As an organization with a history and mission of creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all, we no longer feel it is appropriate to produce a “Pilgrim” Run on Thanksgiving Day. Although it was never our intention to do so, we recognize and accept ownership that when we celebrate “pilgrims” on Thanksgiving, we are perpetuating a holiday mythology that is disrespectful of and ignorant to the suffering caused by America’s systemic oppression of indigenous people. It is important to us to acknowledge this as well as take action toward changing the name of the event."

Read more via the group's statement and news link . . .

You decide . . .

Change coming to Thanksgiving Day tradition in Kansas City

by: Heidi Schmidt Posted: / Updated: KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Every year on Thanksgiving morning hundreds of people lace up their shoes for an early holiday tradition before sitting down to dinner with family and friends. That tradition will continue in 2021, but it will proceed with a different name.
