Dr. James Dobson Endorses Kris Kobach Amid Hope To 'Restore Our Nation'

The word from an iconic & powerful American faith leader will undoubtedly resonate across Kansas.
Here's a bit of breaking news from a campaign that's part of a "red wave" as we approach the midterms:

Dr. James Dobson Endorses Kris Kobach

Conservative Leader Says Kris Kobach has proven himself, will be an excellent attorney general for Kansas

November 30, 2021 (Wichita) -- Today, one of America’s most recognizable Christian leaders, Dr. James Dobson, announced he is endorsing Kris Kobach for Kansas Attorney General.  

“Kris is a strong conservative who will do what it takes to ensure that the institution of the family remains strong in America,” Dobson said. “His service in the pro-life movement is well-known. Unlike some politicians who waiver in the face of attacks from the media and the Left, Kris stands firm in his faith and is never shaken. In court, he has squared off against the ACLU again and again, always defending our great constitution. He has proven himself and will be an excellent attorney general.”

Kobach said the endorsement of his campaign for Kansas Attorney General is a great honor.

“It is a great honor to have the support of Dr. James Dobson. He has been in the trenches fighting for the right to life, for religious freedom and for families for decades,” Kobach said. “As Kansas Attorney General, I will forcefully defend those values and the Constitution that protects them.”

Dobson said he prays that God will call and raise up leaders to restore our nation.

“I am excited that Kris has answered that call and has stepped up to offer his services to the people of Kansas,” Dobson said. “As a private individual, I am honored to endorse Kris Kobach for Kansas Attorney General, and pray that his election will be the start of a new generation of leaders who will return this nation to the constitutional principles upon which it was founded.”

Developing . . .
