Survey Seyz: Kansas City Still Doesn't Trust COVID Vaxx?!?

Actually, the survey results include a crucial part of flyover country as both Missouri & Kansas residents were counted . . .

For us, here's the money line . . .

"The results from QuoteWizard were widely split, but a plurality of those not getting the vaccine in Missouri said they were foregoing the jab because of a concern over side effects---37 percent of respondents. Those in Kansas were most concerned about the vaccine's side effects and the safety of the vaccine itself."

Worth consideration . . .

Nowadays right wingers get most of the blame for vaccine hesitancy and skepticism but it's worth remembering that in the early days of the plauge . . . The future Veep also voiced her criticism of any vaxx coming from MAGA.

Read more via news link . . .

Why did people in Missouri and Kansas refuse the COVID vaccine? Survey says....

MISSOURI/KANSAS (KCTV) -- A new survey from a company out of Seattle is breaking down why people in each state have refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine, and their results are in for Missouri and Kansas. (NOTE: Respondents were allowed to choose multiple answers.)
