Roeland Park COVID Mask Mandate Stays Winning

Pandemic protocols persist in the Johnson County golden ghetto.

Here's a peek at new requirements that will continue for nearly one more month despite falling plauge numbers . . .

"Under the mandate, anyone older than five is required to wear a mask in public places. The mandate comes with exceptions including people with certain medical conditions, people who are eating or drinking and children younger than five. People engaging in certain religious ceremonies are also exempt."

Read more via news link . . .

Roeland Park City Council votes to extend mask mandate

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Roeland Park City Council voted Monday night to extend an indoor mask mandate in the city until Nov. 15. In August, the city voted to implement the mandate and it was set to expire on Oct. 19. Under the mandate, anyone older than five is required to wear a mask in public places.
