For the record, nobody knows and nobody cares what they're teaching the hayseed scholars out in meth town.
A much more interesting aspect of the conversation is the local newspaper joining the fight against dumb-ass local parents who desperately work to build a Facebook following.
Accordingly, here's the pronouncement from on high . . .
"Yet the fact that the Independence school board then did listen on Tuesday night to a parent who called the teacher who’d started a gay inclusion club a pedophile made us wonder if whatever rules there are that make hate speech OK need a common sense update.
"During the public comment portion of the monthly meeting, the mother of a 15-year-old student complained about the use of preferred pronouns and the creation of a Sexuality and Gender Awareness club at William Chrisman High School. She called for the firing of the teacher who started the group, and called that female teacher a pedophile for having done so."
Read more via www.TonysKansasCity.com news link . . .
School board listens patiently as mom calls sponsor of gay inclusion club a pedophile
Members of the Kansas City LGBTQ Commission were told they couldn't speak on behalf of gender non-conforming and LGBTQ children in the Independence School District at Tuesday night's meeting. Officials said that's because only district residents and employees are allowed to address the board, per district policy, even though the Independence School District is one of more than a dozen districts within the boundaries of Kansas City proper.
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